Cov khoom

Raws li ib tug ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws gaming peripherals hom los yog ib tug zoo tshaj plaws computer peripherals hom thiab manufacturers rau chaw ua hauj lwm PC nyob rau hauv Tuam Tshoj, "Cia txhua leej txhua tus txaus siab rau kev lom zem ntawm kev ua si" yog lub zeem muag ntawm MeeTion.  Lub rooj sib tham tau ua haujlwm hnyav los pab cov neeg ua si thoob ntiaj teb los txhim kho cov keyboard gaming thiab kev ua si nas. Lub rooj sib tham tau tsim cov koom haum sib koom ua ke nyob rau hauv ntau cheeb tsam thiab tau ua kom peb cov khoom lag luam sib sib zog nqus ua kom MeeTion Product ntau hauv zos. Txais tos rau cov lus hais txog qhov zoo tshaj plaws gaming peripherals thiab qhov zoo tshaj plaws pc peripherals 2020&2021 hauv Meet.

Ntsib K9420 Gaming Keyboard
Ntsib K9420 Gaming Keyboard
Kev cai Macro Pro Membrane Gaming Keyboard K9420◆ G1 ~ G6 cais macro kaw khawm.◆ P1 ~ P3 peb-hom macro kaw ua ke tuaj yeem hloov tau ntawm qhov xav tau.◆ Cais cov nyees khawm tswj multimedia.◆ Ergonomic nkhaus tus yuam sij tsim.◆ High-speed USB cable cov ntaub ntawv kis tau tus mob.◆ Cov yeeb yaj kiab zoo tshaj plaws rau cov tshuaj tiv thaiv sai dua hauv qhov kev ua si.
Lub Rooj Sib Tham Classic Gaming Mouse GM30
Lub Rooj Sib Tham Classic Gaming Mouse GM30
◆ Chromatic RGB Circulation Backlit.◆ Gaming temperament ergonomic tsim rau sab tes xis.◆ Pro Gaming Optical Sensor.◆ 6D Soft Touch Switch.◆ Max.4800 DPI high-resolution optical sensing, DPI tuaj yeem hloov tau los ntawm DPI hloov lossis tsav software.◆ 5 tus yuam sij programmable los ntawm tus tsav tsheb software.◆ Golden-plated USB Plug.
Slim 2.4G Wireless Keyboard Qhob noom xim kasfes Computer Keyboard WK84
Slim 2.4G Wireless Keyboard Qhob noom xim kasfes Computer Keyboard WK84
Yam No.:MT-WK841Hom: MEETIONXim: Dub& DawbMuaj: Nyob rau hauv TshuagEAN: Dub: 6970344731646 Dawb: 6970344731691Description: Full-size Wireless Qhob noom xim kasfes Computer Keyboard
2.4g Slim Rechargeable uas ntsiag to Wireless nas R600
2.4g Slim Rechargeable uas ntsiag to Wireless nas R600
Yam Tsis .: MT-R600Hom Tshuaj: MEETIONXim: Gloss Silver, Rose kub, Chaw GreyMuaj: Hauv TshuagEAN: 6970344731776Description: Rechargeable Wireless nas
2.4G Wireless Keyboard thiab nas Combo MINI4000
2.4G Wireless Keyboard thiab nas Combo MINI4000
Yam Tsis .: MT-MINI4000Hom: MEETIONXim: Dub nciab, DawbMuaj: Nyob rau hauv TshuagEAN: Dub: 6970344731417 Dawb: 6970344731387Hauj lwm: chaw ua hauj lwm Computer Wireless nas thiab Keyboard Combo
Ergonomic 2.4G Wireless Vertical Mouse R390 / M390
Ergonomic 2.4G Wireless Vertical Mouse R390 / M390
Yam khoom: MT-R390Hom Tshuaj: MEETIONXim: DubMuaj: Hauv TshuagPIB: 6970344731868Nqe lus piav qhia: 10M wireless tau txais kev ncua deb, cov ntaub ntawv zoo li tawv nqaij ua rau tes xis nyob dua
Tag Nrho Cov Ntsiab Cai Anti-ghosting Hlau Mechanical KeyboardMK20
Tag Nrho Cov Ntsiab Cai Anti-ghosting Hlau Mechanical KeyboardMK20
Yam khoom no: MT-MK20Hom Tshuaj: MEETIONXim: Liab, GreyMuaj: Hauv TshuagPIB: 6970344731295Nqe lus piav qhia: RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard nrog Silicone Handrails.
MeeTion CHR25 Luxury Massage Racing Gaming Chair
MeeTion CHR25 Luxury Massage Racing Gaming Chair
MT-CHR25 yog lub rooj zaum sib txawv. Ergonomic tsim thiab hnav lub ntsej muag zaws hauv ncoo; 180 ° adjustable backrest thiab xis ko taw pads, yog li ntawd koj yuav tsis nkees thaum ua si, ob qho tib si chaw ua hauj lwm thiab kev ua si!
MeeTion CHR16 Pink Cut Gaming eSports Chair
MeeTion CHR16 Pink Cut Gaming eSports Chair
Yam khoom no: MT-CHR16Hom Tshuaj: MEETIONXim: PinkMuaj: Hauv TshuagPIB: 6970344731905Nqe lus piav qhia: Playful PU Swiveling Pink Gaming Chair Rosa
Detachable Palmrest RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard nrog Hom C Cable MK500
Detachable Palmrest RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard nrog Hom C Cable MK500
Yam khoom: MT-MK500Hom Tshuaj: MEETIONXim: DubMuaj: Hauv TshuagIb: 6970344732063Nqe lus piav qhia: Pluggable Type-C cable, Detachable Palmrest, 4 tus yuam sij tswj tshwj xeeb.MEETION Zoo tshaj plaws Detachable Palmrest RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard nrog Hom C Cable MK500 Hoobkas, Ntau tshaj 10 tag nrho cov ntse txhaj tshuaj molding tshuab
MEETION G3325 HADES Gaming nas
MEETION G3325 HADES Gaming nas
Yam khoom no: MT-G3325Hom Tshuaj: MEETIONXim: DubMuaj: Hauv TshuagPIB: 6970344731721Nqe lus piav qhia: Hades Gaming Nas PMW3325
Meetion Mk20 Gaming Mechanical Keyboard nrog Xiav Hloov
Meetion Mk20 Gaming Mechanical Keyboard nrog Xiav Hloov
Mk20 gaming mechanical keyboard xiav hloov◆ Game style tsim nrog hlau nto npog.◆ Yooj yim silicone handrails.◆ Zoo macro mechanical hloov.◆ RGB chroma backlit customizable.◆ Ceev multimedia muaj nuj nqi FN + ua ke.◆ Hloov tau W, S, A, D thiab ↑,↓, ←, →.◆ 64-qib e-sports game chips.◆ Daim nplooj ntawv puv puv tsis siv neeg SMT tshuaj.◆ Tag nrho cov tseem ceeb Anti-ghosting.
Xaiv hom lus sib txawv
Cov lus tam sim no:Hmong

Xa koj qhov kev nug